Three young Haitian girls are standing together outdoors with blurred greenery in the background. The girl on the left has short, curly hair with a pink clip and is wearing a plaid dress. The girl in the middle, who is the tallest, has longer, curly hair and is wearing a red patterned dress. The girl on the right has her hair styled in small braids and is wearing a blue plaid dress; she is smiling and touching her hair with one hand. They all have a calm and serene expression, and the natural light highlights their faces.

MA Haitian-led groups call for end to deportations as terror grips island

Medical care, food and clean water remain in short supply throughout much of Haiti, where armed gangs now control most of the capital, Port-au-Prince. As residents flee, Massachusetts lawmakers and Haitian-led groups say the United States must pause all deportations to the island and crack down on the trafficking of American-made weapons fueling the violence.

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